ELAFF Organization, or How It All Works

Over the past few months at ELAFF HQ, we’ve grown incredibly. Our number of readers and fans has increased rapidly, and apparently some of the newcomers are not clear on the way things work here. This is understandable, as we operate a bit differently than other fire service blogs. This post is my attempt to clear things up and make the ELAFF experience less confusing.

The ELAFF Story (abridged version)

The first thing every ELAFF reader should do is check out the “About ELAFF” page. That should go without saying, but I said it anyway…just to be sure. That page gives the VERY basic version of the ELAFF story. Simply put, I started a Facebook page named “Excessive Leather Accessories for Firefighters” on February 11, 2010. It was an inside joke about an “ELAFF Local” (that’s the term we use for firefighters at ELAFF HQ). I began by posting funny videos about firefighters, but soon realized that my audience encompassed a large percentage of “Locals”. I started posting more meaningful articles and videos, sometimes adding a quick, 420 character or less piece of my mind. In August 2010, the Lt. Lemon picture showed up and Da’ Lemon Wedge was invented (all part of the original joke). Skip ahead to early 2011. Though ELAFF posts often spoke of “we”, the Facebook page had always been a solo effort by me…Lt. Lemon. I wanted to start a fully functioning, standalone blog. I thought that perhaps my thoughts and rants would be more widely accepted at ELAFF HQ (where everyone knows my true identity) if I wrote them online. Typically, only the favored few are chosen and allowed to let their voice be heard at ELAFF HQ…the rest are treated like rookies and children, regardless of knowledge, experience, seniority, or rank. Moving on. I knew that I would have trouble writing substantial posts between my inevitable rants, so I recruited help…and on May 5, 2011, I launched the blog.


Yes, ELAFFHQ.com has more than one author. There are currently three writers involved in the ELAFF project. They are not separate pseudonyms for one person, although that appears to be a common misconception. Each article on this site is written ENTIRELY by ONE author. The author is identified by the signature at the end of the post. I am working on a more clear way to display a post’s author. The current writing staff consists of:

Lt. Lemon – Your’s truly. I am the founder and administrator of all things ELAFF. I am responsible for everything posted on the Facebook page and the @ELAFFHQ Twitter account. My comments on most sites are accompanied by the infamous Lt. Lemon photo-avatar. Everyone at ELAFF HQ knows (or should know) my true identity. Many bloggers and readers also know who I am. I continue to post anonymously because:

  1. Lt. Lemon isn’t only an alias, but an alter-ego, occasionally exaggerating my opinions for the sake of shock, awe, and satire.
  2. Revealing my identity, and therefore my location, could jeopardize the identities of my contributing authors, who wish to retain their anonymity.
  3. People enjoy mystery.

Captain Chaos – The Captain is…a unique individual. He is an ELAFF Local, but does not serve at ELAFF HQ. He writes in his own style, not always using the grammar and prose which I prefer, but he shares the ELAFF mindset. He currently wants to keep his identity quiet

Lt. Nobody – Nobody is our newest contributor. His motto is, “When something needs to be said or done, who does it? Nobody.” Like Chaos, he is an ELAFF Local, but he does not serve at ELAFF HQ. He wishes to remain anonymous, as well.


ELAFF – (e-laugh) An acronym for Excessive Leather Accessories for Firefighters. It is easier to write and read. It is used to refer to the title of the Facebook page, the blog, or the writers as an organization. It is not the name of any of the individual writers.

ELAFF HQ – Refers to the department that inspired ELAFF. Also refers to the general area where I reside.

ELAFF Local – Someone who serves at, or near, ELAFF HQ and knows me personally.

Da’ Lemon Wedge – A yellow, wooden door chock with a specific design. Replicas can be made easily, but OFFICIAL Lemon Wedges are handmade at ELAFF HQ. So far, all Lemon Wedges have been made by me.

Future Improvements

My first planned improvement is to create a custom banner for each author, like those on Firegeezer.com, to be shown on each article. This would remove much of the confusion related to post authors. I also hope to drastically escalate the posting frequency, but things are busy at ELAFF HQ right now. We’ll have more on that, soon.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or complaints, email me at ELAFFHQ@gmail.com or use the “Contact ELAFF” page.

Thanks for reading,

Lt. Lemon

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4 responses to “ELAFF Organization, or How It All Works”

  1. Rhett Fleitz says :

    So if Nobody writes, Lt. Lemon is sure to post it, yet we have something to read?

    Nobody knows who Captain Chaos and Captain Chaos knows Nobody…

    Everybody should know who you are…and Nobody does…yet even if Nobody were to proofread Captains article, Lt. Lemon will still post it.

    I wonder if Nobody works with Captain Chaos?

    Nobody wears a lemon wedge…or do they?

    And finally, if I read a post that seems like Chaos how will I know if Nobody wrote it cause was posted by a Lemon…

    Thanks…I’m here all week!

    The Fire Critic


  2. captainchaos01 says :

    Prose before hoes, as they say. don’t nobody need to write in good grammer, if the point is heard and understood, I write, you read, grammer and prose and puntuation is thrown out the window, and i only continue to write so i can see how far i can go in a post without using a period because it drives the Lt crazy because he is a part time english professor at the university of e-laff and gives the good Captain an F on his english report period
    All joking aside, good article. Hopefully this will add some clarity for the readers, aside from the Critique de fire! I’ll work on the basics of correct sentence construction, but dont get too critical, or you will miss the point all together! Dragon Masters rarely worry whether or not to put the I before the E when they are honing their cheetah esq’ reflexes, and pre-planning critical friction loss calculations for fun!

    Chaos out!


  3. black helemt frank says :

    fantastic article…i personally can tell who wrote what but i understand that some people can comprehend this stuff…so far every article (all of them) i’ve read has been great whether it was by Lt. Lemon, Captain Chaos, or Lt. Nobody…i just wanna say that this is my favorite firefightin blog


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